Thursday, July 24, 2008

Check this out please!

Check this out- my 2nd baby's naming ceremony.

Disciplinary measures for todlers: How far can you go?

Hi! Everyone.

I am sure this should be an interesting topic. I know it is a very controversial one. The saying goes that charity begins at home. I believe a child be exposed to discipline as early as it is necessary- I mean as early as the child begins to display those actions that we all know can be …….. I don’t even know how to say it.

Children are very lovely and wonderful to watch. You get to learn a lot from them if you can be patient enough. They can be so cute you’ll vow never to punish them in any way! But with time you’ll know better than to make that vow! Experienced mothers will tell you that the easiest way to go mad is care for two or more kids. Alright, may be that’s an exaggeration, but it does happen. Women have been known to have nervous breakdown; maybe not totally as a result of caring for kids, but that’s a topic for another day!

Now to the real issue, how far is far enough when you discipline a child? In Africa ,we believe in the “rod”. I know that is a no go area in some countries. Yes, when it is necessary I give my 19months old girl some spanking. Not something heavy, but I must confess I have taken that a little farther than intended on a couple of times. This makes me want stop it altogether. Now I tell her to sit still( which I know she detest terribly) for a while and then we talk.

Thinking more about it, I thot I would explore the globe and learn about disciplinary measures being used by mothers all around . So, please your opinion is highly expected and appreciated.

I’m eagerly waiting sisters!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Check out my Slide Show!


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